Adopted dogs

When all the lights are green and a dog is adopted, it’s nice to hear how the lucky ones are doing afterwards, too. Therefore, below are some stories and experiences of adopters and pictures of our dogs that have already found a golden basket.


Beethoven was brought to Cyprus from Bulgaria when he was a puppy, at the age of 10 months he was passed on to another family and lived in a cage so small that he almost lost the ability to walk.

One day his bad luck changed and he finally ended up in our shelter where he found shelter.

With us he found love, a bowl of food, fresh water and he gradually adapted, to his new home. He trusted a handful of volunteers, otherwise he showed his teeth and barked loudly at anyone who tried to get near him. He came into the “aggressive dogs” category and despite all our efforts and no matter how much we tried to socialize him, he only accepted 5 volunteers.

He became a hopeless and impossible case for adoption and became the mascot of our shelter where he spent 4.5 years, which is 54 months and even further broken down are 1642 days.

Imagine spending 4.5 years in a shelter, seeing daylight only through a window, breathing fresh air twice a day, when you get the privilege of going outside and playing, or occasionally going with them for a walk, only to have to go back in your pen until the next day.

This was Beethoven’s lonely life, day in and day out.

A month ago we received a phone call from a lady named Adriana asking if Beethoven was adoptable. The answer was direct…….. No……. Too aggressive………..


Adriana insisted and begged us to come and see him. She said his in Britain was used to aggressive dogs and that she helped shelters there. Although we were very reluctant, we decided we had nothing to lose.

Beethoven was prepared for the visit, a muzzle and strong armor. We couldn’t take any chances.

Adriana arrived with Matt; they had recently moved to Cyprus. With our hearts in our throats, we were waiting to see what Beethoven’s reaction would be when they approached him.

Like a divine miracle, he accepted them. Like a kitten, he pressed himself against them begging to be petted. We could not believe our eyes. He chose them, he chose his new family, he finally found his “forever home” and his guardian angels.


Beethoven is a very different dog now. He is affectionate, sweet, friendly and sociable. He is taken everywhere ………

We are so happy for him, finally our prayers have been answered.

The name of our shelter is “Hope for Homeless” for a reason, because where there is hope, miracles happen.

God bless Adriana and Matt for opening their angelic wings and embracing our Beethoven into their lives.


Susy I have had again for almost 5 years, she means the world to me.

She was 1.5 years old when she arrived at Schiphol from Cyprus, my best choice ever


I would like to express my thanks to Nandia Nicolaou and her team Hope for Homeless, Cyprus first of all for letting us adopt Hera. Hera we unfortunately had to let go a short time ago, she was incurably ill, but how much we enjoyed her the time we had her, our family was complete. We are very grateful to you for this. The adoption went super as did the contact afterwards. Nandia is always ready with help or advice…. she remains committed to the little dogs even after they are adopted. She helped us tremendously in the last period with Hera through advice and loving support, but also after. Dear Nandia and team Hope for homeless, who are always ready for the dogs who need it so much, we are grateful to you and have great respect for you and your work. You are angels love Chiara and Colin



Flight July 12, 2022

A few weeks after Buddy came to Holland from Cyprus, we saw a picture of Kiki (then Zizi). She was the mini version of our (recently) deceased dog and we were immediately sold. Immediately texted with Nandia to find out if she would not yet be adopted by someone else, but fortunately no one was final yet and she was allowed to come to us. Kiki is a Chihuahua of (now) 2 years, but had been through a lot in her short life, including a litter. Fortunately, she was able to stay with a foster family until she came to the Netherlands, which was extra nice when there were some complications after the spay. Georgia (the foster mom) always kept us informed so that we were reassured. Another friend from the shelter was in Cyprus at the time and offered to take Kiki back to the Netherlands (thanks Jasmin). In fact, there had just been a flight and otherwise we would have had to wait much longer.

Now she is in the Netherlands, has a real buddy to our Buddy and can be wonderfully bored with our other dog Puk. We are very happy that she is with us and that Nandia was instrumental in getting her out of her sad situation.

Marc and Dorien



Flight Feb. 21, 2021

Our beautiful Bruno has received his module 4 training certificate!
So proud of our boy. After the vacations, we will continue training with his best friend Wodan.



Flight Feb. 25, 2022

Hi Team Hope for Homeless,
We are very happy with our baby girl. Now it is about 8 months that Abby has been with us and it feels like years. Her birthday was predicted to be July 1 so she just turned 1. She also had her first heat period as well and she is now not only a beautiful dog, but also very attractive to all the males during our walks in the neighborhood.
Abby is a sweet, peaceful and happy dog and she loves children. For safety reasons, I always keep her harness on when introducing her to new children in the house or enclosed areas. In addition to her cuteness, she is also a very smart dog and a fast learner.
Abby is everything we wished for when we started looking for a dog, buddy or friend.
She absorbs all the sadness around us and projects only love.
Thanks again so much…



Flight July 22, 2021

The group app where I looked forward expectantly to new messages every time! So another year ago already. Almost there it was: full of anticipation at Schiphol Airport to pick up “our Karamela.

I had found Karamela through the Internet and against all advice (not to just go off on a picture) fell in love with her picture and that was that. I was ready and this little dog belonged to me and my family, I just knew it.

And I was reassured in all the time leading up to Karamela’s arrival.

Hope for Homeless-Cyprus and those involved in the Netherlands were super! When Karamela was still in Cyprus, I got one or more videos from her every week. I saw a happy puppy, playing with children and adults, a little dog that not only got food, drink and a roof over her head, but also love, lots of love and socialization. Meanwhile, here in Holland, I was “subjected” to talks with the Dutch mediators to see if I was ready, we made videos of our house, garden and play areas for Karamela to show that we could also take care of her. And although at times I was a bit nervous about whether I would “pass the test,” all of this also reassured me. This foundation was there first and foremost for the little dogs: they deserve a good place and they looked with care and attention at who could provide that place.

And then came our Karamela, on July 22.

Karamela was soon named Loekie, which suited her. A happy little dog with a happy sounding name. She seemed to feel right at home: playing, running, sleeping.

And at the same time, some questions for me: she really did seem to find it a bit difficult to sleep alone, and if I went to the bathroom alone, she didn’t want to be alone. I was a little nervous, though. Would this work out. Then, too, I was able to turn to the foundation. I received was reassuring words, some tips and most of all a heart to heart. I slept on the couch for a week or so and slowly Loekie did gain confidence that we would just be there in the morning.

And now she has been there for a year. And Loekie is part of it. She is sweet, cheerful, and mischievous. She makes her own naughty plans and sometimes she comes back from the garden with an innocent look (I didn’t do anything), but where d’r muzzle shows something else anyway, see photo.

Loekie is an adolescent now, has bananas in her ears, but she is funny and sweet and again, totally part of our family.

Thank you Nandia and all the volunteers in Cyprus for her good start, thank you Dutch volunteers for your care and attention to give these little dogs the chance for the best “forever home”!

Greetings, Esther



Flight April 22, 2021.

Mylo is not a street dog, Mylo came to his previous owner as a puppy and had a good home until the owner passed away. The other owner just had to go back to work and so Mylo sat alone all day.
This was terrible for his owner, so he put Mylo up for adoption at the Cyprus shelter Hope for Homeless. I had responded to the ad that he was available for adoption. However, Mylo was already more or less placed. A few weeks later I received an email from the Dutch team Hope for homeless who are arranging the adoption here. They interact with prospective owners. Assess whether the person is indeed a suitable candidate, can provide a safe living environment and is willing to invest enough time in the dog.
There are several interviews and, if necessary, a home visit. This made me feel good, the welfare of the animal was paramount during the adoption process.
They did not have a good feeling with the previous candidate so Mylo was available again and if we were still interested. After several conversations and appointments, we were a suitable candidate for Mylo.
April 22nd we were able to pick him up at Maastricht airport with 12 more dogs from Hope for Homeless. It was a special flight. Nandia (the shelter’s administrator) couldn’t come along because of corona. She normally brings and hands over the dogs herself along with team NL from Hope for Homeless. Mylo has been our roommate for over a year now everyone loves him, we did ask a trainer for help, he was over excited to everything and everyone, walking on the leash, pulling, listening, it was all a challenge. Back in the fall anyway. Mylo still finds dealing with other dogs, riders and unexpected situations exciting. And seeing if he can be off leash is not yet successful, Mylo has a strong hunting instinct. Furthermore, we have an incredibly sweet dog in Mylo. Do not regret adopting dog at this foreign shelter. All the necessary documents, vaccinations and checks were fine. When asked why a dog from Cyprus or abroad. Asylums in NL were empty or there was something with them. Pups over the top in terms of price or turned out not to be in NL but abroad, sent for a price that you thought this side not for puppy with pedigree, without papers then you look further.
Mylo is an enrichment in our lives crazy about swimming and long walks.



Flight May 20, 2022

Actually, I wasn’t really looking for a “new” dog. Our dog Spot had died only a few weeks before. Nevertheless, I ran into Denis (that’s how the universe works). A handsome German standing who had been with Hope for Homeless for months. I was immediately sold. His story was too sad for words and that same day I contacted William (the contact person for Dutch and Belgian adopters). That first contact already gave me confidence in Hope for Homeless and that was strengthened by the contact with Nandia (the owner of the shelter), the photos and videos of Denis, but especially the passion with which she cares for all the dogs there in Cyprus.

The result: 3 weeks later Denis (by then renamed Buddy) flew to Holland. From the first moment I saw him “live” I knew I had a friend for life. Such a gentle, affectionate and inquisitive dog I did not expect. 4 weeks on and we came across Zizi at Hope for Homeless and she too joined us. A very cute white Chihuahua but already been through a lot in her short life.

I hope that many more people dare to take the step to adopt a dog from a shelter and give it a second life and preferably with Nandia and Marios, at Hope for Homeless ???? . Because of the easy contacts, you’ll know pretty quickly if a dog suits you.

Hope to read your story on this website soon.




Flight Feb. 21, 2021

What a scared little dog he was and after a year became such a wonderful sweetheart. To us, he is the sweetest dog. And how long we had to wait for him through corona time. But team from Hope for Homeless, has done so much good work. Finally we got to pick up the little dogs. Every day we are grateful. Thanks for all the love you give for all the dogs.


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