Meet Kozie

About Kozie

Kozie's story

Hello, my name is Kozie, I would like an opportunity as a young dog. 2 years is still young and I still have my whole life ahead of me. I do have one wish, a beautiful life, better than the first 2 years. Is that too much to ask?

I don’t think so, so I am appealing for a chance at a beautiful life. I know that there are dogs who have a sweet owner and a nice warm basket and get to eat every day, and with all that they also get love and attention. That’s fantastic, lying on your back in a basket and dreaming, going outside for some fresh air and a nice walk.

Please don’t let it remain a dream, may this dream and wish come true?

My life wasn’t fun, I was hit by a car, I didn’t get the care I needed, I was taken care of in the wrong place, I stayed alive, but that was it. Now I am one step further towards my wish, I was saved by the volunteers of Hope for Homeless. It is so much better there, the doctor examined me well, but he can no longer do anything about my leg. It doesn’t bother me and it doesn’t hurt me. At the Hope for Homeless shelter I showed that I am very social with other dogs. I do have a bit of a preference for the females. I also like the volunteers and children who come here and I like to play with them and I love it when I get a hug,

So now the question is, will my dream come true and will I soon be lying on my back dreaming with you in a nice basket?? How happy I would be then. If you prepare the basket and call for me, I will make sure I am there quickly. ag een kans als jonge hond.

For more info, you can always call or email us using our contact information!

All of our dogs stay at the shelter in Cyprus.


Hope for Homeless



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