31 March 2023


We are taking the initiative to contact you to introduce you to the “Hope for Homeless” shelter.

We are a group of volunteers, with a tremendous love for the “weakest” and most defenseless people, the animals.

We would like to inform you about the reasons why we established the shelter “Hope for Homeless” and our objectives:

  1. Rescuing and protecting animals, stray and non-stray, and doing our utmost to find families who love and care for them as part of their own families.
  2. Phase out the problem of stray animals and their mistreatment and ill-treatment, and improve their living conditions.
  3. Creating a shelter for stray and abused animals.
  4. The dissemination and encouragement of responsible animal ownership.

Our shelter operates only on a voluntary basis and is non-profit. So while our volunteers are at work during the day, they come to the shelter in the afternoons and on weekends to contribute to the effort by cleaning their pens, feeding them and giving them the precious love and companionship they so desperately need.

Our shelter is located in Agios Trimithias, Nicosia. For the past few years, we rented the space that housed 60 dogs, 15 cats and 2 donkeys. The property owner, from whom we leased the existing property, did not pay off his loan, with the result that the property is now owned by the company ALTAMIRA ASSET MANAGEMENT (CYPRUS) LIMITED.

This led to an urgent need to relocate the shelter. We bought a piece of land, with the help of donations, and with the help of our volunteers we were able to cordon off the piece of land.

Funds are urgently needed to complete the construction of the shelter and the cost is estimated at about €120,000, based on architectural plans. Otherwise, ALTAMIRA ASSET will claim the property at any time and put our animals to sleep. From the donations we receive we buy building materials, but the donations are not enough to help build the shelter in the time given before they are evacuated. This project needs as much financial support as possible to allow us to complete the project faster while continuing to house the animals we have until they find their permanent homes and families.

For the above reasons, we make a universal appeal to all animal lovers to help our four-legged friends with your financial support. Even the smallest contribution can help prevent our animals from being euthanized.

Animals have the right to live in safety on this earth, and we consider it our duty and purpose to make this possible.

PLEASE HELP US to make a safe and beautiful shelter for them until we find them their permanent home. We also post all information on our facebook page as a show of appreciation and transparency. So we would appreciate it if you would let us know if you want us to post your contribution publicly or remain anonymous. For sponsors with large donations, we place a sign at the shelter and name a dog house after them.

We hope our above reasons will enable you to understand the urgency and importance of the problems we face.

We look forward to your positive and prompt response and thank you in advance.

Support Hope for Homeless